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The Great Pyramid was designed to be a sustainable tool for centuries to come, to be a witness to the knowledge, its preservation and its transmission, through different communication languages that they are written, mathematical or resulting from mere perception.
Since the first time of its construction The Great Pyramid is intimately intertwined with those of Chephren and Mykerinos as demonstrated by the values of their reciprocal positioning.
We know only a small part of it, but it confirms the reality and the importance of the various knowledge of ancient Egypt.
Never equaled, the Great Pyramid remains the reference.


Les auteurs
Michel & Camille

Independent researchers, our research focused on The Great Pyramid known as "Pyramid of Cheops" during the years 1990-2019.
Our publications from 2003, were taken again in 2007 on our Internet site "Numerus" and continue again in 2019.

According to the Philon ranking, The Great Pyramid was "The Seventh Wonder of the World."
This is the only wonder that has stood the test of time for more than four thousand five hundred years while retaining much of the role that had led and justified its realization.

Let's look at some of its features:

The absolute rigor of its construction, verifiable by the mere physical measurement of the elements that constitute it demonstrates a mathematical implementation that can be considered in various aspects:
        - Testimony of their knowledge acquired or received,
        - Tool for the transmission of this knowledge, (Pythagoras with his famous triangle, Euclid father of our current geometry, Thales, Diophantum of Alexandria, and others did not they go there?)
        - Knowledge of which we still largely ignore, such as the "Brick of Pythagoras" which does not implement a single equation but as we show, allows two simultaneously.
        - All the very particular geometric relationships that are present in its design and construction, although no architectural or religious necessity justifies it.
        - The control of relations with our astronomical environment, not only by the orientation of the pyramids, but by the creation and architectural inclusion of very particular phenomena such as the "Phenomenon of Apothem" which according to the hours and the seasons allowed the solar illumination by successive half-faces.
        - The specific attributes that constitute the four conduits, of which only this pyramid was endowed and whose function we showed in February 2019,
        - It will be enough to look at the places of reciprocal implantation of three great pyramids of Giza to see that nothing is due to chance and that this has been determined either from the beginning since Khufu, or that it results from uses simple mathematics in force or transmitted during the construction of the ensemble.
        - And others...

The apparent nonsense of the King's chamber and its empty "sarcophagus." Can it be considered that it is a sarcophagus (which respects no religious rule any more than the room itself devoid of any decoration) or of another element that juxtaposes itself with the so perfect and particular paving of the king's room.
For example, we have pointed out that this "sarcophagus" measuring 4.4 cubits could be positioned in three dimensions at 2.8 cubits of the walls. (2.8 + 4.4 + 2.8 = 10 cubits of the chamber).
These values are the proportion to one hundredth of those of the pyramid whose base is 440 cubits and the height 280 cubits.
Floor of the King's Chamber, of which we have shown the peculiarity of these slabs so perfectly adjusted, the dimensions of each of which cover particular values.
The Chamber itself, the only one to be built in granite to ensure its durability and which for example the diagonal of the floor can generate the values of the cubit Royale, and could be the standard custodian.

The apparent lack of utility of the Great Pyramid itself. Built to preserve or protect one or more deceased, (And could not the Great Pyramid have rooms for many)?
Mastabas have always done their job, and if that was the only reason we would then face a megalomaniac pathology.
This unimaginable point of view simply because of the quality and quantity of the scientific wealth included in it, as well as the culture of Ancient Egypt, means that we can not retain this option.
The first question that remains is to know why such a building could have been built.

All the considerable protections of which The Great Pyramid has:
To protect what?
One or more mummies? it's possible.
A pile of gold, we do not take it in death and the construction has probably cost more than one heap of gold! ... a real aberration.
A monument to the cult of personality?
Unlikely and there are many other simpler if not more useful ways and the cultural level would probably not have allowed it.
A testimony of knowledge and a transmission? without a doubt.
This willingness to witness knowledge and its transmission is attested through the various concurring affirmations of travelers and ancient authors, such as Herodotus or Plato , both Oriental and Westerners which, at different ages, state that the faces of the pyramid were entirely covered with writings and symbols still present and still visible after the year 1000 of our era.

Here are some quotes or excerpts from different authors:

According to some travelers prior to the dilapidation of the pyramid coatings, these until the XIII and XVI centuries had remained covered with inscriptions ...

The pyramids, said Al-Masoudi, author of the beginning of the fourth century of the Hegira, and who wrote in Egypt, are very high edifices and a marvelous construction: their area "so full of written inscriptions in the characters of the ancient nations, and kingdoms that no longer exist, we do not know what it is that writing, or what it means."

Ebn-Khordadbèh, traveler, and author of a Geographical Description of Muslim Countries, wrote in the 3rd century of the Hegira. In a passage quoted by Al-Makrizi, he said: "All the secrets of magic and all the recipes of the medical art are written on these pyramids in musnad characters. "

The same Al-Makrizi quotes another writer, who says: "We have seen the surfaces of these two great pyramids covered in writing from the top to the bottom: the lines were tight and well aligned opposite one another; they were written in the characters used by those who built these buildings; we do not know the letters today, and we can not guess the meaning. "

Ebn-Haukal traveler and writer of the fourth century of the Hegira, similarly testifies that the outer faces of the great pyramids were filled with writing in a character he calls Greek-Syriac, if there is no fault in the manuscript of his work, belonging to the library of Leiden, or simply Greek, according as the passage of Ebn-Haukal is quoted by Al-Makrizi.

Guillaume de Baldensel, who traveled to the Holy Land and Egypt at the beginning of the 14th century, testifies to having seen, on the two largest pyramids, inscriptions in various characters, read quibus , he says, inveni scripturas diversorum iâiomalum ; and he brings an inscription in six to Latins.

Herodotus speaks of an inscription engraved on the pyramid of Cheops, which seems not to answer to this multitude of inscriptions mentioned by the Arabs; but he could talk about that one only, because of the singularity of its content.
From this historian says that this inscription was in Egyptian characters, I do not know if we can absolutely conclude, with his learned translator, which it is not my place to praise, that this inscription was probably in ordinary characters, and not in hieroglyphics.
Perhaps, moreover, this inscription was in ordinary characters, and the others in hieroglyphs.

Mr. White, to reconcile the silence of the Greek and Latin authors on the inscriptions of the pyramids with the testimony of the Arab writers, makes a judicious observation:
"Tanta scilicet hyeroglyphicorum charactum crat copia passion in AEgypto, ut sine admiratione in oculos spectantium incurrerent, neque digni visi fuerint who in historiam referrentur." Ob cxamdem causam factum is, ut in descriptionibus obeliscorum who at solo ad summum cacumen coelati sunt notis hieroglyphicis, talium notarum memoria at plurimis veterum sit neglecta. "
I must not conceal, however, that, according to the testimony of the travelers, the highest part of the covering of the second pyramid, which still exists, offers no hieroglyphic characters.
This only proves that the entire area of the pyramids was not covered.
It is added that we see no trace of hieroglyphics, nor among the numerous fragments which are scattered at the foot of the pyramids, nor on the pieces of granite or marble which were silent once appeared in their coverings, and can be found today at Djizèh or elsewhere, where they serve as lintels, thresholds or jambs on doors. Is it not permissible to ask whether these observations have been made with all the necessary exactitude, and if they have been multiplied as necessary, to give the strength of a demonstration

Source: "The Relation of Egypt" by ABD-AL ALLATIVE Arab Doctor of Baghdad (1162-1231, ie himself potential eyewitness because prior to the reign of Barkuk and Ogier d'Anglure in the 16th century, which will mention the ongoing destruction of coatings).
Al-Masoudi, for Islam Al-Mas'ûdî, traveler, writer, encyclopedic geographer and Abbasid Arabic polygraph. in full "golden age" born in Baghdad in 893 died in al-Fustat al-Misr in 956.
Located in present-day Old Cairo, it is also in this city that Moses Maimonides died on December 13, 1206.
I bring this last precision because Al-Masoudi and Maimonides when they lived to have been eyewitnesses of the inscriptions which could be seen on the pyramids.

The faces of the pyramids would have been dismantled only during the invasions of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and many buildings in Cairo would include elements from the pyramids.

This is what Al-Masoudi said:
"The pyramids are very high, and of a remarkable construction: their surface presents all sorts of inscriptions, written in the characters of ancient nations and kingdoms that no longer exist.
We do not know what this writing is and what it means. Those who have studied the dimensions of the pyramids estimate their height at four hundred cubits, or more, as found by those who have made the ascent; their width (at the base) is about this number.
Their inscriptions are related to science, to the properties of bodies, to magic and to the secrets of nature.
One says that one of these inscriptions is thus conceived:
"We built the pyramids.
That whoever wants to equal our authority, to obtain our power and to overthrow our throne, destroys these buildings, and erases the remains, although it is easier to cut down than to build and scatter materials than to unite them. "

Al-Masoudi writes in "Gold Fields and Gem Mines":
"Sourid (...) one of the kings of Egypt before the flood, built two great pyramids ... this king, who lived 300 years before the flood, dreamed a night that the earth was rocking, that the stars were falling from the sky, striking each other in a loud roar, under the eyes of terrified men, seeking refuge.
And that's the reason he built the pyramids "

In this case, the pyramids are a refuge, but the rest of the text is more eloquent "he ordered the priests to deposit in this one the sum of their wisdom and their knowledge in the various arts and sciences ... at the same time as the stories ... containing ... the sciences of arithmetic and geometry, so that they can remain as a witness, for the benefit of those who, later, could understand them ... in the eastern pyramid [The Great Pyramid] were inscribed the celestial spheres and the figures representing the stars and the planets.
The king also put ... the positions of the stars and their cycles; and, at the same time, the story of time past, of time to come, and of every future event that will occur in Egypt. "

Al-Masoudi asserts that there were automatons of stones and metal animated by spirits whose function was that of guardians of the threshold.

By the way another writer Ammian Marcellin writing in Greek around 390 of our era "The ancients claimed that there were inscriptions on the walls of some underground galleries of pyramids to preserve the ancient wisdom of the destruction of the coming flood."

Around 870 Abou Balkh: "wise men, before the flood, foreseeing this punishment from heaven ... who would destroy everything built on the earth, built ... in Egypt, on a plateau, stone pyramids as a refuge during the disaster "

Even at the end of the twelfth century, these white stones remained in place, covered with hieroglyphs which Abdul Latif gave the following description:
"The stones were inscribed in ancient characters, now initelligible, I have never met anyone in Egypt who would understand them.
The number of inscriptions is so high that the copy of those only that can be seen on the surface of the two pyramids would fill more than six thousand pages.

Two years after Abdul Latif's passage, the whole of Egypt waved however, an earthquake shattered the city of Cairo.
The Arabs, then, came to collect on the flanks of the Great Pyramid the building material intended for the reconstruction of their slaughtered city.

The date of construction of the Great Pyramid remains uncertain.

Not only does the Great Pyramid question us in many ways, the many answers it brings us and that we present are all exclusively based on perfectly measurable physical elements and the ancient publications of Travelers or historians.

Communicating by the only universal language to the man not subject to errors or interpretations, that is to say the mathematical language,
Include this rigor both in the concept and in the stone,
Provoke the permanent widening of the questioning,
Etc, ...

As we have seen, The Great Pyramid questions us from the basics of geometric knowledge ... to astronomical questions!
See purely human questions such as beauty and harmony, if not esotericism.

Is it necessary and as an example to recall that the pupil Pythagoras established the consonant monotonous musical scale by means of the simple reports used in The Great Pyramid:
the octave (ratio 1/2, the string is divided in two), the fifth (ratio 2/3, the string vibrates on two thirds) and the quarter (ratio 3/4)?

This is obviously not limited to what is contained and revealed to us this knowledge tool that is The Great Pyramid and many are certainly still to discover.

When Al-Masoudi testifies to the irreparable loss of knowledge by the destruction of the faces of the pyramids, have we done better in our time with the Aswan dam at the end of the twentieth century?
Numerous territories on impressive expanses have been submerged by man's hand making impossible any further research, that is to say, definitive loss of knowledge inscribed in one of the cradles of human knowledge.

Now let's ask ourselves how we can pass on our knowledge to future generations?

How did our generation attempt in 1972 when it sent a message of communication outside the solar system to people whose existence, language, and knowledge are not supposed to exist?

Message on board of pionner10.

Ancient Egypt certainly did not have the same constraints since it knew that it would be addressed in principle to men of future generations endowed with language and thought.

To transmit one's own story or acquired knowledge?
Should it be completed and "finite" knowledge or the essential basic elements that enable them to be reconstructed?

For the Ancient Egypt, this could be envisaged by means of: the work itself, the Pyramid, which would ensure the perenniality, and would cause the questioning.

Another question remains essential to us: Another question remains essential to us:
The role of the pyramid as a conservator of knowledge can be understood as being within the realm of the possible as Plato formulated it when it transmits the History of Atlantis through the priest from Sais to Egypt, that is to say from places diametrically opposed to the world of the time:

"Then one of the priests, who was very old, said to him, 'Ah, Solon, Solon, you Greeks, you are always children, and there is no old man in Greece.' / i>

At these words: "What do you mean by that?" Asked Solon, "you are all young at heart," replied the priest, "for you have no old opinion in your mind, based on an old tradition and no science bleached by time." "
Then after the evocation of the occurrence of the cataclysms and cosmic destructions through the recall of the myth of Phatéon, it makes say:

"This is how and for what reasons it is said that the oldest traditions are preserved here, but in reality, in all places where cold or excessive heat does not occur. do not oppose, the human race always remains more or less numerous. So everything that is beautiful, great or remarkable in any other respect, whether at home, here, or in any other country we have heard to speak, all of this is here written down in our temples from time immemorial and thus preserved ".

Ask us.
Would this be the real treasure? How many rooms would be needed?

On the other hand, could the construction of the monumental pyramid of Cheops have been justified solely to house the King's Chamber?
Room measuring approximately 5 meters by 10 with a height of a little more than 5 meters and to enclose in it only an empty granite tank without any inscription of any kind, the whole having need of to have equipped the pyramid with considerable sophisticated protection systems?

This vision is not possible for us.

Let us now formulate another hypothesis: That of a fourth room that many call "the secret chamber" .

After several decades of research related to this Pyramid, and we agree the right to the error because to date no one can say to be certain, the numbers, the methods and the knowledge convinced us of the high probability of the existence of what we have named "The chambers of the Continuum" , conservators of knowledge.
It would not be a single room but a succession of rooms or "stores" for preservation and transmission.

The King's room plus that of the Queen is roughly a "useful" volume of the order of 1750 cubic meters the other known parts of the Pyramid having a priori and according to our current knowledge than a circulation role.

Construct an edifice of Two million five hundred ninety-two thousand three hundred and fifty cubic meters to use only Thousand seven hundred about 50 cubic meters "useful" , (both rooms), please forgive us, can only seem extremely unreasonable.

On the other hand, if this building is intended to be a witness of the knowledge, its conservation and its transmission, things can be considered differently.
These are not one, but many rooms that would be needed that must be considered.
The Pyramid is divided mainly into two parts according to the South North Axis:
The western part that corresponds to the kingdom of the dead and the eastern part of the rising.

The study of the possible phases of construction of the Great Pyramid shows an upward movement from the North to the South to the level of the King's chamber whose East-West axis is itself shifted by 21 cubits towards the South.
This means that the entire southern half of the Lower Pyramid at this level would be totally unused, worse! it should have been filled ...

From what we had been given, then from what we could later study or look for, as early as 2003, we mentioned the position of a "key point" which appears on one of our diagrams, always kept online on the site. (Altitude between 38 cubits and 44 cubits, distance South from the axis between 55 cubits and 66 cubits.)
Further work has led us to modify this position in 2016 with a reduced tolerance, a single value for this key point of 56 cubits for both altitude and distance South.
This point and this value of 56 cubits are specified on our site diagrams since that date.
In this hypothesis, "The rooms of the Continuum" would be federated, at least for their construction and access, according to this key point.

Our Contributions;.infob5Contributions

Nowadays, many researches are pursued by many teams using increasingly efficient technologies.

Thirty years ago it was by means of micro gravimetry and differences in density that hollow volumes were sought.

The most recent implementation by Scanpyramids is that of particle physics.

Infrared measurements were carried out to detect possible temperature differences that would result from the presence of such volumes and thus help the installation of muon sensors.
The muons can be compared to heavy electrons that are formed by the radiation of the upper atmosphere.
These high energy particles have the ability to penetrate and cross the material with which they will interact.
Measuring the energy loss of the muon during this crossing makes it possible for example to measure the thickness ... or its density or absence.

Of course, we hope the success of such endeavors, as well as any contribution that may allow a new step on the paths of knowledge.

We can not ourselves transmit all of what might be useful to be it ...
In particular the presence of pure mathematical transmission both by the concept of the Great Pyramid itself or even for example by means of the dimensions of the blocks, slabs and lintels of the Upper House.
We were pleased to be able to present in February 2019 a rational explanation "why" so-called ventilation ducts Another example of the mathematical role in the Great Pyramid.

Sensitized since 1959 to these subjects by Archaeologist Marthe de Chambrun Ruspoli and Michael Scott of Glénaros , sixty years later our research is dedicated to them .

Camille and Michel Sélaudoux April 2019

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