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It is noted and acquired that the constructions of the Great Pyramids of Giza were subjected to a great rigor, such as for example their orientation to the North (absolute error = 3 minutes of degree and 6 tenths).

A question arises immediately: If the answer to the technique of their cardinal orientation is well known, a second still remains:
How and with what means, 4,500 years ago, in particular the reciprocal positioning of the squares that form the bases of the pyramids could it be determined by the architect-designers of the time?

This was one of the things that started us years of research.
This question generally appeared from the beginning of the 19th century until today an abundant literature emanating either Egyptian institutions either independent researchers.

- W.M.F. Petrie - The Pyramids and Temples of Giza (London, 1883).
- J.H.Cole -The Determination of the exact size and orientation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, (Cairo, 1925) (Survey of Egypt, paper no.39).
- Mr. Lehner - 'The Development of the Giza Necropolis: The Khufu Project', MDAIK 41, 1985, 109-143.
- J.A.R. Legon - 'The Plan of the Giza Pyramids'.
- Stephen Brabin - The Incomplete Pyramids. Dec. 2010

Commonly accepted survey measurements of the Gizeh site are summarized in William Matthew Flinders Petrie records from 1882-1883 and in the work of Ronald Birdsall who took them reviewed, updated and updated in 2003-2014.

Our study allows some answers to what has been written about their reciprocal positioning:

- No, it's not by aliens,
- No, it's not the representation of the Orion constellation,
- No, it is not the aim of certain bodies by means of so-called "ventilation ducts" which all form an elbow and consequently forbid any aim,
- No, it's not according to the use of "the eye of Horus",
- No, it's not by means of the "magic squares",
- No, it's not the result of mathematical curves or spirals,
- No, it is not thanks to the use of pi or phi, or any other remarkable numbers (which may appear as a geometric consequence and not as a will), great mathematicians Euclid, Pythagoras, Diophant of Alexandria, Euler and the others being born much later,
- No, it's not more with square roots and other "Mathematical Knowledge"lienmathMathematical Knowledgewhich did not appear until much later, (assuming that the dating of the pyramids is accurate ...).
- Etc ...,
Operations such as simple addition, subtraction and ratio (1 / 4,1 / 3, 1/2, 3/4) were known by Ancient Egypt.

For some authors the "Egyptian fractions" would have appeared only much later, end of the 2nd millennium BC. (?).
The only thing that I can attest, and we will see in this site, during our researches the use of "Egyptian fractions" only using numerator 1, (additive principle) , were of constant help and illumination which leads me to say that they were already well known during the design of the pyramids of Giza since they are widely used ...

Data with the most accurate physical readings were obtained in 1881.
We owe them to Sir William Matthiew Flinders Petrie , although for example the engineer Emile Prisse d'Avennes , during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, established excellent cartographic records.
Few works and research still today, such as those of Stephen Brabin in 2005 or those of Ronald Birdsall in 2014 , he did not have questioning or criticism of Petrie's critics.
If more precise data existed and remained undisclosed, it would only serve to slander those who would have retained it.

Positions of the Three great Giza's Pyramids

( Alignments superimposed on the map drawn by Emile Prisse d'Avennes).

Results from William Matthew Flinders Petrie'surveys


W.M.F. Petrie Main triangulations and measurements

Petrie's survey measurements are those that are considered to be the most reliable, often inaccessible to ordinary mortals due to the need for translation and conversion with all the potential errors that result.

Our study is reduced to the most extreme simplicity in terms of calculations; We will therefore use exclusively Petrie measurements supplemented by some reports from the known fundamentals of ancient Egypt (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4) and the only uses additions or subtractions of the dimensions of the bases or heights in coherence with the knowledge and tools of the time.

Note: The level of knowledge that appears for Rhind's payrus calculations (more than 700 years after the construction of Cheops) was not likely to have already been acquired by the designer (s) of the three great pyramids.

Reciprocal locations of the Pyramids. (March 2003, Jul.2015, Sept.2018, Aug-Nov 2019)

© Reproduction prohibited without permission.

Dimensions are cubits quoted "Cubits (Cr)"lien2Memphis'Cubits' (1 Cr equals 0.5236 of our meters.)

'implantations au sol des trois grandes Pyramides de Gizeh'

Animation du traçé du Plan au sol.

The name and the value of the unit of measurement are useless, just because only extremely simple proportions are used, the only consequence would then lead to a different scale but always with the same ratios.

The basical dimensions of the Pyramids a, b and c are those taken in account by W.M.F. Petrie.
Those indicated in red on the plane are also those recorded by Petrie but show a difference with our results.
Our calculation method (the one we think we have been used by the designers), figures for all values.

All dimensions are strictly related, in all four directions,
and the fact that the values of Mykerinos base's lenght (c) and height (hc) determine the intervals from Khufu to Chephren, (a+c)/3 and 2hc, once again confirms that Mykerinos was totally defined for its dimensions from the design of khephren, if not since that of Cheops! , which as we will see is also confirmed by lien2Proportions

An example:
In terms of heights, 280 plus 275 plus 125 also generates 680
This plan shows very simply that the sum of the north - south intervals of the pyramids is equal to the sum of their heights ... ie 680 Cr. (These are round values ??accepted and used by Egyptology).
If we take into account the physical values measured by F. Petrie we obtain in North-South: 250,23 plus 429,49 is 679,72 (which is only a difference 0.28 cubit or 14.6 centimeters with the sum 680 of the heights!)

In 2003 in our Book "Numerus" (ISBN 978-2-9531305-0-8), we were already reporting on this use of base lengths for establish proportions by means of frames.
Based on our research since then, during our updates of this same page in 2015 and in 2018 we also reported on this use lengths of the bases and heights as means of proportions to determine the places of implantation and we wrote then:
Not only do these results overlap and complement each other in all directions, but they demonstrate that we are here faced with a single concept of a whole. if its realization could be delayed in time.
It also shows that proportions formed the basis of the "system".
And that establishes many other things ...

In 2019 we have further simplified the writing of relationships, which also shows that:
in the EAST-WEST direction, these are essentially the values of the three bases'lenght a, b, c or heights ha, hb, hc which are used for intervals (a+c)/3 ie 213,75 and 2*(c-hc), ie 152,88, which remains extremely simple,
and that in the direction NORTH-SOUTH it is the heights of the three pyramids which are used for the intervals: 2hc is 250 and (ha + hb) -hc is 430

We do not know a simpliest and more precise method of results and except to demonstrate better, it is by means of this type of calculations that the places of locations of the three great pyramids were determined.

Bases PetrieHeight
alength Cheops 439.81haHeight Cheops280
blength Chephren 411hbHeight Chephren275
clength Chephren Mcerynus201.44hcHeight Mycerinus125

Values "Usited" are rounded values for common use in archeology.
We use exclusively the Petrie measurements expressed as Royal Cubits, (Cr).
We propose a simple calculation method that could have been used by the designers / builders and we compare the differences of results with the physical measurements of Petri.
(1 Cr equals 0.5236 of our meters.)

Méthode de calcul
Ecarts en Cr
en mètres
Base Cheops440439.81439.81a00
Height Chephren280280280ha00
Base Khephren410411411b00
Hauteur Khephren275275275hb00
Base Mykerinos200201.44201.44c00
Hauteur Mykerinos125125125hc00
Total hauteurs680680680ha+hb+hc00
Dist. Base Ouest Kheops et Est Khephrenx213.09213.75(a+c)/30.660.35
Dist. Base Ouest Khephren et Est Mykerinos152152.08152.882*(c-hc)0.80.42
Dist. Base Sud Kheops et Nord Khephrenx250.232502*hc0.230.12
Dist. Base Sud Khephren et Nord Mykerinosx429.49430ha+hb-hc0.510.27
Dist. axiale Est-Ouest sommets Kheops-Khephrenx638.48639.16(a+c)/3 + (a+b)/20.680.36
Dist. axiale Est-Ouest sommets Khephren Mykerinosx458.3459 2*(c-hc)+(b+c)/20.70.37
Dist. axiale Est-Ouest sommets Kheops Mykerinosx1096.791098.262*(c-hc)+(b+c)/2+(a+c)/3+(a+b)/21.470.77
Total hauteurs680680680ha+hb+hc00
Distance Totale intervalles Est-Ouest365.17365.17366.632*(c-hc)+(a+c)/31.460.76
Distance Totale Est-Ouestx1417.51418.88a+b+c+2*(c-hc)+(a+c)/31.380.72
Dist. Base Sud Kheops et Nord Khephren250250.232502*hc0.230.12
Dist. Base Sud Khephren et Nord Mykerinos430429.49430ha+hb-hc0.510.27
Dist. axiale Nord-Sud sommets Kheops-Khephrenx675.63675.41(a+b)/2 + 2*hc0.220.12
Dist. axiale Nord-Sud sommets Khephren Mykerinosx735.71736.22 (ha+hb+hc)+ (b+c)/20.510.27
Dist. axiale Nord-Sud sommets Kheops Mykerinosx1411.341411.63ha+hb+hc+(a+b)/2+(b+c)/20.290.15
Distance Totale intervalles Nord-Sudx679.72680(ha+hb)-hc + 2*hc0.280.15
Total hauteurs680680680ha+hb+hc00
Distance sommet P1 à sommet P2. (Kheops à Kephren)x929.59930(ha+hb)+3*hc)0.410.21
Distance sommet P2 à sommet P3. (Khépren à Mykerinos)x866.78866.864hc+(b+c)/4+(a+c)/30.080.04
Distance sommet P1 à sommet P3. (Kheops à Mykerinos)x1787.4117903*(ha+hb)+hc2.591.36
Distance Totale Nord-Sudx1731.971732.25a+b+c+ha+hb+hc0.280.15

Note: The axial distances of the vertices represent the distance between the vertical axes of the apices, (equivalent to the ground at the centers of the squares formed by the bases of the pyramids), and not the distance between the vertices which are not situated in the same plane horizontal.

If you want to verify or confirm this physical reality using the vertex angles, you can use the following tables:
axial distances
Only the physical measurements of the bases and heights of the pyramids and their simple relations have been used.
Comparison of the results of physical measurements made by W.M.F. Petrie and our thesis of proportions are superimposed.

Maximum gap: Distance sommet P1 à sommet P3. (Kheops à Mykerinos) is 1.36 meter for a set of 907 meters from North to South and 741 meters from East to West, which must be further weighted by the differences resulting from the many conversions in royal cubits of Petrie measurements published in inches. (Differences in each of the cubits which are further amplified by their necessary repetition resulting from the importance of the measured distances ....),
and especially by the fact that Cheops has no summit, only a leveled plateau of about ten meters as can be seen in this photo previously made to records Petrie 1882 and aiming at the exact center is impossible from the base.
A sighting result with a difference of 1.36 meter for 907 meters is more than remarkable. Well done Mr. Petrie!


The Sphinx silted in 1870 in front of Cheops and its summit in plateau (Photo F. Frith)

An important literature has emerged about the positioning of the three great pyramids. ( look at Plan in supralien_planPlan).

You will be able to see for yourself that the whole of this subject requires only a few lines in terms of the precise positioning of the basic squares of the three pyramids a, b and c.

1 - At a place chosen at the whim of Pharaoh, the only necessity was to determine the North, (which they perfectly mastered) , and there position the square of the base of Cheops (a) .

2 - From the border of the west base of Cheops , towards the west, the border of the east base of Chephren will be positioned at the distance of (a+c)/3 and southbound it will be the North base of Khafre which will be at 2*hc of distance.
As a result, two edges of the half-square are thus traced, so the basic square of Khépren (b) will be easily determined.

3 - From the border of the west base of Chephren towards the west, the border of the eastern base of Mycerinus will be positioned at the distance of 2 * (c-hc) and towards the South it will be the North base of Mykerinos which will be at the distance of ha + hb-hc .
As a result, two edges of the half-square are thus traced, so the base square of Mykerinus (c) will be easily determined.

Everythings are said in less than ten lines ... It's over!

Who can tell us better and more accurately in fewer lines?

The question that remained was whether the three great pyramids of Giza, although in principle built at successive times, were conceived during different periods or during one and the same.
The debate is now closed: These three pyramids were conceived or decided in a single period and realized during three different periods.

It will not have escaped you from reading this simple page that all the points and relations are strictly defined with the only means of addition, subtraction and the exclusive use of 1/4, 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4 ratios.
Their method was beautiful because each point is connected, precisely defined and known, - "chained" - by the unique system regardless of the unit of measure used. (cubits, inches, meters, etc., ...)

Just a note:
For the measurements and / or results that are the most sensitive differences, they generally imply those of Mykerinos, especially in NO / SO targets despite the rigor of the Petrie goldsmith work who used 6 different "Gambay" theodolites and a sextant.

We can simply recall that Petrie, as he himself wrote, was unable to obtain a permit for Mykerinos, which allows us to assume that despite his will, the quality of his observations of Mykerinos could be felt;

"We reached Cairo I had an interview with Maspero, who had succeeded Mariette earlier in the year. so that I could work under my license, but my second was only made for the first and second pyramids.

It may also be noticed that:
the distance between the apices (Apex) results from a calculation in two dimensions whereas the difference in altitude between Kephren and Mykerinos is 150 Cr ...,
That is to say that in the same plane on the ground or at a constant altitude of 125 Cr (height of Mykerinos), the calculation will be that of a right triangle having for sides the distance east-west of 459 Cr and north-south of 736.22 Cr from which it follows that the distance at the same level of the two centers of Chephren and Mycerinus is 866.86 Cr.

The difference in altitude between the two being 150 Cr which can be again considered as one of the sides of a right triangle and the other side 866.86Cr, the last two values ??therefore generate a physical distance of 879.74 Cr.
... And it is still possible to point out that 879.74 Cr is extremely close to 2a, (twice the 440 Cr of the base of Cheops ...).

Naturally many questions arise from this fact, a last book "Khéops,Pourquoi et comment" (available only in french language), as for most of our precedents it will also be Downloadlien3bisDownloadsfree on our site.

To also view on the same topic, Locations'Ratioslien2bisRatios

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